[1] The Erles of March and Menteth with lxx. knightes, fled to the caſtell of Dunbar, but they were beſieged ſo ſtraightly by the Engliſhe po|wer,The caſtel of Dunbar rẽdred to K. Edward. enuironning the Caſtell on eche ſide, that in the end they were conſtrayned for lack of vic|tuals to yelde themſelues to king Edwarde, on condition to haue their lyues ſaued, which coue|nant was not obſerued (as the Scottiſhe wry|ters affirme:) for king Edwarde hauing got thẽ into his handes, cauſed them foorthwyth to bee put to death.