[1] [page 301] But when they came nere vnto the Engliſh|men, they perceyued both by their language and habite what they were: but this was not before the Engliſhmen were harde at the gates ſo that when the Scottiſhmen would haue fledde backe to haue got into the towne agayne, the Engliſh men purſued them ſo faſte at the heeles, that they entred the gates with them,The crueltie of the Engliſh+men. & ſo tooke the towne with great ſlaughter, as well of the ſouldiours and men of warre, as alſo of women, children, & aged perſons,Barwike is [...]. without all ruth or compaſſion, ſo that they lefte not one creature alyue of the Scottiſhe bloud within all that towne.