[1] On the other ſyde Roberte Bruce,The title of Robert Bruce. albeeit hee was deſcended of the youngeſt daughter [...]o Earle Dauid, yet was he [...]ome of the firſte iſſue male, for his father was firſt borne, and therefore if king William had deceaſſed without iſſue, the crowne had deſcended vnto him: for which con|ſideration,Haſtings. he mainteyned that he ought nowe to be preferred. Haſtings alſo for his part, by|cauſe hee was come of the yongeſt daughter of king Dauid, maryed to his father Henrie Ha|ſtings, wanted not allegations to propone, why he ought to be admitted. Beſides theſe, there were other alſo that made claim to the crowne of Scotland, and had matter ſufficiẽt to mainteyn their ſute. This controuerſie being brought be|fore the gouernors, was at ſundry times argued with much cõtention, not without the aſſiſtance of the nobles fauoring the parties, as occaſion of frendſhip or kynred moued them,The doubt of the gouernors. namely Bal|lyol & Bruce had no ſmall nũber ye leaned vnto their parts, by reaſon wherof, ye gouernors were in doubt to proceed to any definite ſentẽce in the mater, leſt if they declared one of thẽ king, and o|ther wold attẽpt to vſurpe the crowne by force.