[1] See more of this matter in the Engliſhe hiſtories.There were .iij. chiefly that ſemed by nereneſſe of bloud to haue moſt right, and therfore made moſt earneſt ſuite in their claime, Iohn Ballyol, Robert Bruce, and Iohn Haſtings. This Ro|bert Bruce,The aunceſtors of Robert le Bruce. was ſonne to the ſon of that Robert Bruce, which maried Iſabell the yõgeſt daught|er of Dauid Erle of Huntington, on whome he got a ſon named alſo Robert, that maried the inheritor of Carryn, as the haue ſhewed before, whoſe ſome this Robert Bruce was,The lyue of the Ballyo [...]~e with his title to the crowne. that how claimed the crown Iohn B [...]ſhol came of Mar|garet, eldeſt daughter to the foreſaid Dauid [...] of Huntington [...] lorde of Gallowaye, which marryed the ſayde Margarete, begot on hit two daughters, of the which the eldeſt named Derwogil, was giuen in mariage vnto the Iohn Ballyol, father vnto this Iohn Ballyoll, ye th [...] made clayme to the crowne, alledging that [...] ſo much as he was come of the eldeſt daughter of Earle Dauid the brother of king William, hee ought by reſon to be repuſed as next [...]eile to the ſame king William, ſith none other perſon afirm approched ſo neare vnto him in bloud.