[1] [2] The lords after long deliberation herein had, conſented to his deſire, vnder theſe conditions, that the realme ſhould remain in all freedomes & liberties, without any kind of ſeruile ſubiection, in the ſame maner and ſtate as it was vſed in ye days of king Alexander laſt deceaſſed, and other his noble progenitors: and if it chaunced, that no iſſue came of this mariage to ſucceede them, then ſhould the crowne returne by remaynder ouer, to the next heires of king Alexander, without any clayme or pretexte of title to bee made by kyng Edwarde, or any of his ſucceſſours in time to come. Immediatly herewith, two noble knights ſir Iohn Scot of Albawore, & ſir Iames We|mys were ſent into Norway to fetche the bryde ouer into Scotlande: but before their comming thyther,The daughter of Norway de|ceaſſeth. ſhe was deceaſſed, and ſo they returned backe into Scotland againe withoute effecte of their errande. And thus by meanes of hir death all amitie and frendſhip betwixt Engliſhemen & Scots ceaſſed.The cõtention betwixte the kinſmen of K. Alexander for the crowne. Then began to enſue great trou|ble & buſineſſe in Scotland, by reaſon of the con|tention whiche ſprang betwixte the kinſemen of king Alexander, for the title & claym which they ſeuerally made and pretended to the crowne.