[1] How can this be true when king Edwarde had a wyfe at that tyme? but verily the foots writers ſhewe themſelues o|uercome with too much ma|lice in moſte things whyche they write in the defamatiõ of king Ed|warde.And for that he well vnderſtode yt the daugh|ter of Norway (of whom before ye haue heard) was right inheritor to be crowne of Scotland, though ſhe were but very yong in yeres, and not able for mariage: yet to cõpaſſe his purpoſe that wayes forth, he ſente his ambaſſadors vnto the Lordes of Scotlande, requiring to haue hir to wife, and the realme withall, as dewe vnto hir by good title and right of inheritance.