[1] King Alexander the thirde,Scotland with out a king and gouernour. being in ſuch mi|ſerable wiſe deceaſſed, as before is ſpecified, the realme remained in great diſcomfort, by reaſon he had neyther left any iſſue behynde him to ſuc|ceede in the gouernement therof, neyther taken order in his lyfe tyme by teſtamente, or other|wiſe, for any other to ſupply the roomth of a go|uernoure,Miſcheues en+ſuing for lacke of a ruler. ſo that hereof did enſue infinite miſ|orders, by the preſumption of wicked and vn|gracious perſons, the which vpon hope to eſcape vnpuniſhed (bicauſe Iuſtice was lyke ſo wante due proceſſe,) ceaſſed not to attempt many vn|lawfull actes, to the grieuous oppreſſion of the people: whiche miſruled demeanours and diſor|dred enterpriſes of thoſe outragious perſõs, whẽ ſuch as had any zeale to the welth of their coun|trey, vnderſtood daily to multiply & increaſe, they thought it apertained to their dueties to prouide ſome remedie in tyme, and therevppon called a councell together, wherin after ſundry conſulta|tions [page 298] had, & many matters debated touching ye rule of the realme,Six gouernors choſen to haue the rule of Scotland. it was finally agreed, ye ſix gouernors ſhould be elected & choſẽ, of the which three ſhould haue the adminiſtration and rule of the north partes, and theſe were William Fra|ſer biſhop of ſaint Androwes, Duncane Erle of Fyfe, and Iohn Cumyne Erle fo Buchquh [...].