[1] Robert Bruce that was after king of Scot|land is borne.In the thirde yeare after, the ſayd Ladie was deliuered of the afore remembred Robert Bruce that was after king of Scotland. And the ſame yeare which was the yeare after the byrth of our Sauiour 1274,1274. Dauid the ſeconde ſonne of king Alexander deceaſſed: and the thirde yeare after, the brethren of Edward king of England came into Scotland to viſite the Queene their ſiſter, and their brother in lawe the King,K. Alexander with his wife the Queene came to Lon|don. and after did attend them both in theyr iourney to London, whither they went to be preſent at the coronati|on of the foreſayde Edwarde, as then returned forth of Affrike after the deceaſſe of his father King Henrie, to take vpon him the gouernment of the Kingdome deſcended vnto him by right of inheritance.