[1] [2] [3] In the dayes of king Iohn therfore as ſaith the foreſayd Southwel one Guthred raigned as king in Man.

Guthred king of Man.



Olaue, or Olanus.


[...]. Inſule Sodo|renſes.

And in the yeare 1228. one Regi|nald being king of thoſe Iles, was murthered by wicked perſons, and thẽ his brother Olaue raig|ned in his place. In the yeare 1230. the King of Norwaye appoynted one Huſbac, the ſonne of Oſmond (ſurnamed Hacon to gouerne the ſayd Iles called Sodorenſes, that is to meane, the Ile of Man, & the other Iles there abouts the coaſts of Scotlande,Olaeus and Godredus. the which Huſbac, togither with other two Captaynes Olaue and Godred ſur|named Don came by ſea, and arryued at Bute,Bute. where they wanne the Caſtell: but Huſbac was ſlaine with a ſtone that was throwne downe vpon him.Husbac ſlaine. And then after this, the foreſayde O|laue and Godred came vnto the Ile of Man, where they deuided the Kingdome of the Iles betwixt them,Olauus and Godredus de|uide the king|dome of the Iles betwixt them. ſo as Olaue had Man alotted to him for his part, and Godred the other Iles. But after that Godred was alſo ſlain, Olaus gouer|ned both in Man, and in all the other Iles [...] excepted which the ſonnes of Somerleid hold [...]s poſſeſſion [...] In the yeare 1237.



in the moneth of May. Alane king of Man, the ſonne of Godred and brother to Reginald,Harolde. departed this hee after whoſe de [...]eaſſe his ſonne. Harolde ſucceded him, & raigned .xij. yeares, being but .xiiij. yeares of age whẽ he began his raigne. In the yere 1247. Haco king of Norway ſent for Harolde king of Man to come vnto his coronation.


Harold paſſeth into Norway.

Who comming thither, was honorably receyued,Is drowned in his returne. & obteyned king Hacons daughter in mariage: but as he returned from thence in the yeare 1249.


Reginald. Ne began to raigne the ſixt of May.

togither with his wife, they periſhed in the ſeas by a tempeſt on the coaſtes of I [...]land. Then ſucceeded his brother Reginald, who raigned but .xxvij. dayes, for he was ſlain the firſt of Iune the ſame yeare, by the ſeruants of a knight called Yuarus.Yuarus. Harald. Then Ha|rald the ſon of Godred Don gouerned Man one yere, being remoued by the king of Norway: and after him Magnus the ſon of Olaue began his raigne ouer Man and the other Iles,Magnus. by conſent of the Manſke men themſelues. But in the yere 1254. one Yuarus was ordeyned king,



or rather viceroy of thoſe Iles, and gouerned the ſame, tyll the foreſaid Magnus king of Norway reſigned his tytle to all the ſayd Iles vnto K. Alexander, (as ye haue heard) who placed his Lieutenants there, of whõ the firſt hight Godred mac Mares,Lieutenant or Baylif [...] of the Ile of Man vn|der the Scots. the ſecõd Alane. And after him Maurice Okare|fair ſucceeded: and then folowed one that was the kings Chaplain. For the time of the reſignatiõ made, I followe Hector Boetius, by reaſon of ſome contrarietie which appeareth in Southwel in the accoũt of the yeares aſſigned to the raignes of thoſe Iland kings, if you cõferre the ſame with the time of the foreſayd reſignation. But now to the matter: the lieutenant appointed to haue the rule of thoſe yles now, yt they wer thus come into the handes of the Scots, was bound by his office to be redy with .xiij. ſhips, and .v.C. mariners to come to the ayd of the Scots, at al times whẽ he ſhould therto be required. After this, were the erles of Athol, Carik, & March, Alexãder Stewart, wt the Thanes of Argile, & Lennos,The weſterne Iles recouered out of the handes of the Norwegians. ſent wt a puiſſãt army vnto the other of ye weſtern Iles, the which thoſe that were greateſt, they brought with much ado vnder the obeyſance of the crowne of Scot|land, the reſidue ſubmitted themſelues.