[1] In time of the trouble be|twixt the ſcenes of Mal|colm Cãmore and their vncle Donald Bane, Magnus K of Norway the ſon of Olaue ſubdued theſe Iles.The Ambaſſadors being diſpatched and ſent away with this anſwere, incontinently Alexan|der Stewart of Paſley, and Iohn Cumyn were ſent with an armie ouer into Man, which Iſle they then recouered (though not without bloud) forth of the handes of the Danes and Norwe|gians, who had kept the ſame in poſſeſſion nowe for the ſpace of 167. yeares paſſed, but not with|out ſome alteration and trouble, as may appeare by the annales of Richard Southwell,Ri. Southwel. a writer (as ſhould ſeme) wel inſtructed in matters aſwel touching Scotland and the North partes, as al|ſo concerning the ſtate of the out Iles. And ther|fore that the ſame maye the better appeare to the Readers, I haue thought it not impertinent to ſet downe what I haue read in the ſame South|well, touching the kings, or rather viceroyes of Man, and thoſe Iles which for a ſeaſon as ſhuld ſeeme in deede, were ſubſtituted by the kings of Norway, although it may alſo appeare, that ſomtime there was a certaine ſucceſſion in them, as from the father to the ſonne, and from the bro|ther to the brother, &c. in maner as if it had beene by way of inheritance.