[1] In the ſeconde yeare of his raigne, he ſent his Ambaſſadours (of whome the chiefe was the Chauncelor of Norway) vnto king Alexander,Ambaſſadours ſent frõ Mag|nus king of Norway to K. Alexander. whome they found at Saint Iohns towne and there ſignified to him that king Magnus theyr maiſter, would willingly giue ouer all his tytle, right and clayme vnto Arrane and Bute, ſo that the reſidue of the Iles might remaine in quiet poſſeſſion of him and his ſucceſſours in tyme cõ|ming. Herevnto was anſwere made by K. Alex|ander, that the Iles by right of olde inheritance perteined vnto him and his progenitors kings of Scotland, and therefore he might not make any agreement with the Danes or Norwegians, til he had recouered the ful poſſeſſion of ye ſame Iles.