[1] [2] Thus hath Hector Bo. But Fourdon ſeemeth not to agree altogither herewith,Iohn Fourdon who writing of this inuaſiõ made by ye Norwegians into Scot|land, ſaith, that they were but .xx.M. men of war in al embarked in .lxxx. ſhips, which comming [...] the new caſtel of Aran, beſieged aſwel ye ſaid ca|ſtel of Aran, as the caſtel of Bute, & toke thẽ both ſpoyling alſo the churches alongſt the ſea coaſt, & after arriuing at Largis in Cunningham on the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our Ladie, loſt the moſt part of their veſſels, whiche were drowned togi|ther with thouſands of men in the ſame. The re|ſidue that got to land, encoũtering with ye Scots led by Alexander Stewart of Dondenald, were diſcõfited, put to flight, chaſed & drowned in the ſea, into the which they were driuen. Amongſt o|ther that were ſlaine, a nephew of king Acho was one, a yong Gentleman of great valiancie, and ſore lamented of his Vncle. Acho had muche adoe to eſcape himſelfe he was ſo egrely purſued of his enimies. Thus haue I thought good to ſhew the diuerſitie of writers in this behalf, that it may appere how things are ſomtimes amplified by Boetius to aduance the glory of his coũtrymẽ further perhaps than by the ſimple veritie of thoſe that did write before him may in ſome poynts be well auerred. But now to proceed. King Acho at his cõming into Orkney, ſent into Norway and Denmarke for a newe army, and prouided ſhips and al other things neceſſarie,Acho prepa|reth to make a new inuaſion into Scotland, but dieth be|fore his pro|uiſion was readie. to haue made a new inuaſion into Scotlande agaynſt the next ſpring: but for that he himſelf departed out of this life in the beginning of the yeare next following, all that purueyance and great preparation was daſhed and came to none effect.