[1] [2] Alexander Stewart therefore, that had the leading of the right wing of the Scottes, hauing purſued the enimies a certaine ſpace, and ſlaine Achos nephewe,Achoes ne|phew is ſlaine. a man of high reputation and authoritie amongſt the Norwegians, cauſed the retreate to be ſounded, and gathering his men a|gaine into array, brought them agaynſt the eni|myes of the myddle warde, where was hard hold betwixt the two kings, the battaile continuing with great ſlaughter on both partes, and vncer|taine a long while to whether part the victorie would encline: but the Norwegians being now aſſayled on the backes by a new power of theyr enimies,

The maine battaile of the Norwegians fleeth.

The left wing of the Scots in daunger.

at length they began to flee amaine: but in the meane time the left wing of the Scottes wherof one Patrike had the leading, was in great daunger, by reaſon the Captain himſelf was ſore wounded, and thereby all the companies in the ſame wing ſore diſcomforted: but after they once beheld how the middle ward of their enimies was put to flight, they recouered new corages, & with great force cauſed their aduerſaries, with whom they were matched,The Danes & Norwegians chaced by the Scottes. to giue back alſo: and ſo were the Danes and Norwegians chaſed by ye Scots with right cruel ſlaughter through al Cunning|ham, not ceaſing from the purſute of the enimies til night made an ende of that dayes worke.