[1] Hee deuided this hoſte into three battayles.The ordering of the Scot|tiſh hoſt. In the ryght Wing was Alexander Stewart a right valyaunt Knight,Alexander Stewart leader of the right wing Nephewe to that Alexander whiche endowed the Abbey of Paſ|ley He had with him all the menne that came foorth of Argyle, Leuenor, Atholl, and Gal|loway.Patrike Dun|bar captaine of the left wing. In the left Wing was Patrike Dun|barre, hauing wyth him the men of Louthian, Fyfe, Mers, Barwike, and Striueling ſhyre. In the myddle warde was the King himſelfe,The king in the myddle warde. with all the remnant people of the other partes of Scotlande to ſuccour the wings when daun|ger appeared.