[1] King Achoes anſwere.Your beliefe is I perceyue) ye Ambaſſadors, to abaſhe vs with your fierce and awful wordes, ſuppoſing vs ſo weake hearted, that wee ſhoulde leaue off our enterpriſe through your menaſing threates: but ye are farre deceyued ſurely if your ymagination be ſuch.

[1] And where yee exaggerate our iniuries done to you in taking from you certaine Iles, we per|ceyue you are not meete nor indifferent perſons to be choſen for iudges in that cauſe, neyther doe wee mynde to learne of you, what wee ought to eſteeme right or wrong in ſuch behalfe.

[1] If yee deſyre further to knowe and vnder|ſtande the cauſe, why wee haue inuaded Ar|rane and Bute, wee ſay and affyrme, that not onely thoſe two Iles perteyne to vs and oure people by good tytle and auncient right of inhe|ritaunce, but alſo al the other Iles of Scotland, as we are able ſufficiently to proue.

[1] And therefore are we come to take preſently ſo muche in value out of Scotlande,The cauſe of Achoes com|ming into Scotlande. as ye haue taken in iſſues and profytes out of thoſe Iles in times paſt from vs.

[1] Shewe then to your King, that wee frare neyther his menacing wordes, nor yet anye o|ther vyolence that hee can ſhewe agaynſte vs: Notwithſtanding, if hee bee more deſyrous of peace than of battayle, and luſteth to anoyde the ſpoyling and burning of hys Townes, the ſlaughter of hys people, or if hee deſyred not to ſee the vtter extermynion of his Realme afore hys eyes,His demaund. commaunde him to ſende vnto vs foorthwith tenne thouſande Markes ſterling for the fruites of oure landes taken vp and recey|ued by hym and his elders in tymes paſt, and further that hee make a cleare reſignation of all clayme or title that he may ſeeme to pretend vn|to the ſayde Iles. in ſuch ſort that the ſame may paſſe vnder our dominion in perpetuitie without any contradiction.