[1] Were it not that our King and Nobles of the Realme (by an auncient cuſtome obſerued e|uen from the begynning) doe vſe fyrſt to ſeeke redreſſe of all iniuryes receyued,The oration of one of the Ambaſſadors. before they offer to bee reuenged with the ſworde, ye ſhoulde not nowe beholde Orators ſent vnto you to talke of concorde, but a mightie armie in ordinaunce of battayle comming towardes you to giue the on|ſet: We are of that opinion, that we neuer get ſo muche gaynes by victorie of the enimies, no though they haue robbed and ſpoyled our confi|nes,Peace to be preferred be|fore warres. but that we account it muche better to haue peace, if wee maye haue reſtitution of wrongs done to vs, by ſome maner of honeſt meanes. For what greater follye may be, than to ſeeke for that by fyre and ſworde, which may be purcha|ſed with fayre and quyet wordes? Neuertheleſſe when our iuſt deſires and reaſonable motions are refuſed of the enimyes, when we finde them not wylling to haue peace,Wherefore warres ought to be moued. (for the obteyning wher|of all warres ought to be taken in hande) but ra|ther that their onely ſeeking is to haue warres, not reſpecting the quarell: wee are readie to riſe wholy togither in reuenge of ſuch cõtempt with all poſſible ſpeed and violence againſt our aduer|ſaries.The cauſe of their meſſage. We are ſent therfore from our King and Soueraigne, to enquyre what occaſion you haue thus to inuade his Realme and Subiects, in vio|lating that peace and league, whiche hath beene obſerued and kept betwixt vs and your Nation, the ſpace of this hundred yeares, and not onely to take from him hys two Iles of Bute and Aran, but alſo to inuade the mayne lande of hys Dominions, wyth ſuche crueltie, as ney|ther conſideration of age or perſon ſeemeth to be had, but that women, children, and feeble olde perſons haue paſſed by the Sworde, as well as thoſe that haue ſtand at reſiſtaunce with weapen [page 390] in hande agaynſt you.

[1] What haynous offence haue the Scottiſhe men at any tyme committed eyther agaynſt you or any other (whoſe reuengers yee maye ſeeme to be that they ſhould deſerue to haue ſuch cruel|tie ſhewed agaynſt them?

[1] What furious yre hathe moued you to burne the Churches of God and his Saintes,Burning of Churches. with the murther of his people that flee into the ſame for ſauegarde of their lyues?

[1] But if you dreade not God that gouerneth all things (by his diuine prouidence) which here in this worlde wee ſee: If yee dreade not the Saintes nor vengeaunce to come on you by the puniſhment of the righteous God, yee ought yet to dreade the two moſte puiſſaunt Kings of Albion, allied togither in bonde of amitie and maryage, whiche ſhall come agaynſt you with ſuch puiſſaunce, that ye ſhall not be able to reſiſt the ſame.

[1] Therefore ſithe ye maye depart with honour, we on the behalfe of him from whome wee are ſent, doe admoniſhe you, that better it is for you to redreſſe ſuche iniuryes as yee haue alrea|die done, and therewith to repayre home, than in aduenture to bee brought to ſuche deſperate termes, that when yee ſhall bee conſtrayned to ſeeke for mercie, the ſame in no wiſe wil be gran|ted vnto you.