[1] But as if often happeneth that men of great poſſeſſions and dominion are had in ſuſpition with the Prince,The height of great families the cauſe of|tentimes of their fall. whereby the ſame is for the more part the cauſe of their ruine and fall, ſpeci|ally when they preſume too farre vpon their high power: ſo it chaunced here: for within a ſhorte time after that the king was thus taken (as be|fore is ſhewed) the chiefe authour of the whole conſpiracie,The Earle of Menteich is poyſoned. that is to witte, the Lorde Walter Earle of Menteth, who was higheſt in authori|tie amongſt all thoſe Cumyns, was poyſoned, as was thought by his owne wife, through which miſchaunce the reſidue of the Cumyns were ſo amated, that obteining their pardon for all offences paſſed of the king, they did ſet him a|gaine at libertie.The king [...]