[1] The ſalutation of an Hielande man.When the ſolemnitie was ended, there came before him an Hielande man (for ſo they call ſuch as inhabite the mountaine Countreys of Scot|lande) who in a certaine kynde of meetre of the Iriſh language, ſaluted him as king, thus [...]
Ben|nach de re Albyn Alexander, mak Alax, mak William, mak Henrie, mak Dauid,and ſo foorth, recyting in maner of a Genealogie or pede|gree all the Kings in order, of whom hee was diſcended, tyll he came vp to Gathelus the fyrſt begynner of the Scottiſhe name and Na|tion.