[1] And againe ſome helde opinion, howe hee ought to bee made Knight firſt, before hee were crowned, ſo that thus they were at ſtryfe to|gither, in ſuche earneſt maner, that it was doubted, leaſt this contention woulde haue bred ſome great inconuenience,The Earle of Fife preuen|teth the occa|ſion of further trouble. had not the Earle of Fife preuented the ſame, in cauſing vpon a ſo|dayne the Crowne to bee ſette vppon the Kinges heade, beeing placed in the Marble Chayre, according to the cuſtome, without re|garde to the friuolous allegations of them that ſpake to the contrarie.