[1] In the yeare following,Ambaſſadours forth of France came Ambaſſadors forth of Fraunce into Scotlande, declaring that King Lewes was readie to paſſe for|warde on that iourney whiche hee had taken in hande to make into Iewrie, and therefore de|ſired ayde of King Alexander, to ſupporte hym in thoſe warres agaynſt Gods enimies. With theſe Ambaſſadours were ſent ouer into France,Scottiſh men that went with Lewes king of Fraunce into Egypt. certayne choyſe bandes of men of warre vn|der the leading of Patrike Earle of Marche, Dauyd Lyndſey of Glenneſk, and Walter Stewarde of Dundonalde, three Captaynes of great wiſedome, and perfect experience in feates of chiualrie.