[1] In the ſame ſeaſon, Henrie King of Eng|lande, prouoked by the ſetting on of ſome ſede|cious perſons remayning in his Court, as tru|ſted by warres to aduaunce theyr priuate gaine, (during whiche time lawe and iuſtice haue no place) beganne to buylde a Caſtell for aneynſt Barwike,A Caſtell be|gonne to be builded by K. Henry aneynſt Barwike. in the ſame place where the other was begunne afore by King Richarde, which (as be|fore is ſhewed was razed and throwne downe by King William,Mathew Paris diſagreeth frõ the Scottiſhe writers rou|ching the oc|caſion of this warre, as in the Engliſh chro|nicles ye may reade. by the articles of agreement with couenant that it ſhould neuer be buylded vp againe.