[1] Theſe men that were firſt ſent by him, lyued according to his inſtitution, more perfectly than ſuch as followed: for as it often happeneth, all things commonly from a good beginning fall into worſe eſtate, ſo that the ſucceſſors of thoſe men declined from al good religion, into moſt in|ſolent abuſes and miſorders, and ſo continu|ing in vicious liuing the ſpace of three hun|dred yeares, at length were perfectly refor|med into a better rule,Iohn Adam|ſon. by a Frier named Iohn Adamſon, that proceeded doctor in the profeſſion of diuinitie in the Vniuerſitie of Abyrdene, at the ſame time that Hector Boetius the Scottiſhe Chronographer proceeded there in the ſame fa|cultie.