[1] King Alexander taking ruth and pitie of him, reſtored him (vpon his fine to be payed in maner as was agreed betwixt them) vnto al his former honours,The Earle of Cathnes is pardoned, and reſtored to his landes. landes and poſſeſſions: Neuertheleſſe the offence that was pardoned by man, was af|terward puniſhed by the iuſt iudgement (as ſome thought) of almightie God: for he was ſlain as he lay in bed one night by his own menial ſeruants,The Earle of Cathnes is murthered by his ſeruants. whome hee had roughly intreated, as the fame went. The houſe alſo wherin he was thus ſlain, was likewiſe ſet on fire and burnt ouer him, that no man ſhoulde haue ſuſpition of his ſlaughter, but that it might ſeeme as though it had come by ſome ſodaine aduenture.