[1] Notwithſtanding they beeing nothing in doubt thereof,The cõplaint of the Scottiſh cleargie to the Pope. went vnto Rome, and at theyr commyng thyther, made vnto the Pope their complaint in moſt grieuous maner, of the inſuf|ferable iniuries attempted in England & Scot|land, by his moſt couetous Legate the foreſayde Gualo:The auarice of Cardinall Gualo. By reaſon of which complaint, and of ſundrie ſuch letters and informations as dayly came out of England and Scotland, from other Biſhoppes and Abbots, conteyning right grie|uous accuſations concerning the inſatiable aua|rice of Gualo, the Pope reuoked him home vnto Rome, to make anſwer in his preſence vnto ſuch matters as were layd to his charge.