[1] After this, laying ſiege vnto Norham caſtel, when hee had continued at the ſame a certaine time, and perceiued how he loſt but his trauail, he left it & returned home with great honor and tri|umph, for his other atchieued enterpriſes in that iourney. King Henrie being once aduertiſed that king Alexander had broken vp his campe, incon|tinently got eftſoones his people togither,Barwike won by K. Henrie. & com|ming to Barwike, wanne both the towne and Caſtel: After entring into Scotland, he burned and ſpoyled the coũtrey alongſt by the ſea coaſts, till he came as far as Hadington,Haddington. putting al ſuch to the ſword as were found in the way, women, prieſtes, and children onely excepted.