[1] Not long after, came king Henrie with an ar|my into Scotland, ſore endomaging the coũtry:King Henrie inuadeth Scot+lande. but ſo ſoone as he was aduertiſed that king Alex|ander had aſſembled all the power of his realme to giue him battaile, he retyred with al ſpeed into England.Ex codice an|tiquo S. Alba|ni, written by Mathew Paris (as I take it.) The king of Englande had in his ar|my at the ſame time, 1200. men of armes, right perfitly appointed and furniſhed with armor and weapon as was requiſite, and the king of Scots but only .v.C. But of footemen there were in the Scottiſh army 60000. able perſonages well ap|poynted, with Ares, Speares and Bowes, readie to die and liue with their Prince, conſtantly be|leeuing, that to loſe this preſent life here in his de|fence, was an aſſured way to be ſaued in an o|ther worlde.