[1] Diſſention be|twixt K. Iohn & his nobles.In this meane time great diſſention roſe be|twixt Iohn king of Englande, & his barons, by reaſõ wherof great warres enſued, as in the eng|liſh hyſtorie doth appeare. The Barons made ſute both to the french king, & to ye king of Scots for ayd, ſo that at length Lewes the french kings ſonne came ouer to ſupport them, whereof when king Alexander was aduertiſed,K. Alexander paſſeth to London. he likewiſe came with an army through England vnto London, cauſing his ſoldiers by the way to abſtaine from doing any kinde of domage to the people.