[1] The firſt Parliament which he called, was holden at Edenbourgh, in the whiche he confyr|med all the actes and ordinaunces deuiſed by his father:Confirmation of Officers. and further appoynted that all ſuche as had borne offices vnder him, ſhould ſtill enioy the ſame. Namely he commaunded that William Wood Biſhop of Dunblayne ſhoulde ſtill conti|nue Lord Chancellour,The office of the Conſtable. and Alane of Galloway high Conſtable, which is an office of moſt honor and reputation next to the king, as hee that hath power of life and death, if any man drawe bloud of an other by violence within two myles of the Court.