[1] After this, cõming vnto the towne of Ber|tha, he had not remayned there many dayes,The towne of Bertha drow|ned by inun|dation. but that there chaunced ſuch a floud, by reaſon of the riſing & inundation of the two riuers Taye and Almound, that through violence of the ſtreame the towne walles were borne downe, and muche people in the town drouned, ere they could make anye ſhifte to ſaue themſelues,The king in daunger of drowning. in ſo muche that though the king wyth his wyfe and the moſte parte of his familie eſcaped oute of that greate danger and ieopardie, his yongeſt ſonne yet na|med Iohn, with his nourſe and .xij. other wo|men periſhed, & .xx. other of his ſeruantes beſide.Iohn the kin|ge: ſonne is drowned.