[1] Imediatly whervpon king Iohn willed him to paſſe with him into Fraunce, to make warres againſt the Frenchemen, and bicauſe he refuſed ſo to do, king Iohn made clayme to all the for|ſayd lands as forfayted to the crowne of Eng|land, and cauſed a great bootie of goods to be fet|ched out of the ſame: So that open warres had immediatly folowed, if the Engliſh Lords had not compelled king Iohn to make reſtitution of all the goodes ſo taken, bycauſe they thoughte it not expedient in any wyſe to haue warres wyth the Scottes at the ſame tyme, beeing already in trouble with the Frenchmen.