[1] Erle Dauid not refuſing the graunt and be|neuolence of the king his brother,The abbey of Landoris. buylded an ab|bey called Lundoris, for monkes of the order of S. Benet. One thing there is much to be won|dered at, as a ſtrange ſingularitie. For where as that houſe ſtandeth in a valleye, encloſed on eche ſide with wood and water, by reaſon wherof ther is great abundance of adders, yet doth no man catch hurt by any of them, in ſo much as ye ſhal ſee yong children play,Adders with|out hurte. and runne vp and down amongſt a great number of them withoute any ſkath or hurt following vnto them therof.