[1] He hapned by ſome good aduenture to eſpy a|mongſt ye watch of thoſe yt were of the retinue of Dauid Erle of Huntingtõ, one of his own kinſ|mẽ named Iohn Durward,Iohn Dur|warde. with whom of long time before he had bin moſt familiarly acquain|ted: and incõtinẽtly he called vnto ye ſame Dur|ward, deſiring vnder aſſurãce to talke with him. After certain cõmunicatiõ, for yt this Oliuer had not as yet vtterly in his hart renoũced ye chriſti|an faith, he appointed with Durwarde to giue entrie at a certaine houre vnto Erle Dauid,Erle Dauid en+tred the citie Acon. & to al ye chriſtian army, vpon condition yt Erle Da|uid wold ſee him reſtored again vnto his land & heritage in Scotlãd. The houre ſet, Erle Dauid came with a great power of [...] to ye gate before reherſed, where he was ſuffred to enter acording to apointmẽt, and incontinẽtly with great noiſe and elamour brake into the middeſt of the citie,