[1] [2] When king William had thus receyued hys lands and caſtels by ſurrender,Erle of Hun|tington. Scottes with king Richard in the holye lande. he made his bro|ther Dauid Erle of Huntington, who thervpon doing his homage vnto king Richard, acording to the olde ordinance deuiſed by king Malcolme the firſt, wẽt with him alſo in that voyage with fiue hundred Scottiſhemen, or rather fiue thou|ſande (as the tranſlator of Hector Boetius hath) if no fault be in the printer.

The ſiege of Acres.

Oliuer a ſcot|tiſhmen.

As the chriſtian ar|mye laye at ſiege before the citie of Acres, other|wiſe called Acon, if chaunced that one Oliuer, a Scottiſhman born, was within ye town retei|ned in ſeruice amõgſt ye Saraſins, for being con|uict of felonic in his natiue coũtrey he was bani|ſhed out of the ſame, & fled to the Saraſins, re|maining ſo long amongſt them, yt he had lerned their toung very perfectly, ſo that as then fewe knewe what countreyman he was. It fortuned that this Oliuer had one of the gates in keping, on ye ſide the towne where was but a ſingle wall without trenches or any other fortification.