[1] The king moued by theſe wordes, and remẽ|bring the good ſeruice whiche Gilcriſte had em|ployde ſo often tymes afore in defence of the realme,The king ta|keth Gilcriſt to his fauoure, and reſtoreth vnto him his landes. and agayn pitying his caſe to conſyder from what degree of honour he was fallen into the deepeſt bottome of extreme miſerie, hee tooke him wholly to his fauour, and not only forgaue him his former offences, but alſo reſtored vnto him, and to his ſonnes, al ſuche landes as ſome|tymes appertained vnto them, excepte ſo muche as the king had alreadie giuen vnto the Abbey of Abirbrothok.