[1] Incontinẽtly herewith Gilcriſt with his bald head came afore hym, and falling downe on his knees at the kings feete,Gilcriſt asketh pardon of the king i [...] vn|known habite ſayde: If there be anye mercie in thee (moſt ruthful prince) for them that are brought through their offences into extreme miſerie, hauing ſuffred condigne puniſhment for the ſame: I beſeeche thee for the loue that Chriſt had to all ſinfull people, not ſparing to ſhead his moſt precious bloud for their redemptiõ, to haue ſome pitie and compaſſion on me, and theſe my poore and miſerable ſonnes, which with me haue ſuffred muche grief and penurie, not hauing de|ſerued the ſame by any crime by them cõmitted.