[1] Moreouer the king of Scots ſhould paye for his redemption one hundred thouſande poundes ſterling, the one halfe to be payd in hand:King Williã raunſomed. and for ſure payment of the other halfe, the Erledomes of Cumberlande, Huntington, and Northum|berlande ſhould be deliuered vnto king Henry in pledge or mortgage, tyll the tyme that the ſayde ſumme was payde. And for the more ſuretie of theſe couenantes, & that the Scots ſhould moue no warre againſt the Engliſhmen,Foure caſtelles deliuered to the engliſhmẽ in pledge. foure of the ſtrongeſt caſtels within Scotlãd, that is to wit, Barwike, Edenburgh, Roxburgh, & Striueling wer deliuered into ye Engliſhmens hands. Theſe things being thus ordred the .8. day of Decẽber, 1175. & ye king reſtored home,1175. ther folowed a newe ſturre in Scotlande, for Gilbert of Galowaye,Gilbert of Ga|loway rebel|leth. a right cruell & moſt miſcheuous perſon, purpoſing to cõquer ye crowne by force, made great ſlaugh|ter on all them that withſtoode his deſire. And bicauſe his brother reproued his dooings, he put [page 275] out his eyes, and cut off his handes.