[1] But nowe it is to be conſidered, that bicauſe there was no great ſlaughter made at the taking of king William, the warres notwithſtanding continued betwixt England and Scotland: for the two before ſpecified chiefetains Gilcriſt and Rouland ſtoutly withſtood the Engliſhmen,Gilcriſt and Rouland re|ſiſt the engliſh+men. & bet them backe as they enterpriſed to enter into Cumberland. At length a peace was taken du|ring the time that king William remayned in captiuitie vnder theſe cõditions that Northum|berland ſhoulde continue vnder the dominion of the Engliſhemen,Northumber|land vnder the Engliſhmen. and Cumberlande with the Erledome of Huntington to remayne as afore vnder the gouernance of the Scottiſhmen.