[1] The Scottes amazed, with the ſtrangeneſſe of the thyng, for that they had not heard before of any aſſemble of the Engliſhmen, at the [...]ſte were ſomewhat afrayde but anone encoura|gyng one another, they boldly iſſued foorth vp|pon theyr enimies,The Engliſhe men retyre of purpoſe. who of purpoſe at the firſte made but weake reſiſtance, and at length fledde a mayne, to the intente to cauſe the Scottiſhe|men to breake their arraye of batayle in purſu|ing them, whyche they did ſo egrely,The king lefte but weakely garded. that they lefte their kyng but ſunderly guarded with a ſmall companie aboute hym.