[1] In the meane tyme, to take the Scottiſhe men at ſome aduãtage, they c [...]o [...]y their whole power in the [...]ighte ſeaſon, neere vnto the place where the ſame Scottiſhemen laye in Ca [...]p [...],The Engliſhe|men ſeeke by policie to van|quiſhe the Scottes. and deuiding them ſelues into two partes, the one was appoynted to abide in the fields, tyl the ſunne were vp, and then to ſhew themſelues to the enimies to trayn them forth to battail: The other company [...] vnslayd cloſely in a valley not far off to [...] the aduauntage as they ſaw their tyme.