[1] King Henry ſayleth into Normandie. King Willam with manye nobles of Scot+lande wente with king Hẽ|ry ouer into Fraunce.About the ſame ſeaſon king Hẽry paſſed ouer into Normandy with an army, and cauſed king Willyam, with many other nobles of Scotland to goe with him in that iourney, for king Wil|lyam would not diſobey his commandement at that preſent, in hope to attayne in quiet & peace|able maner his ſuite touchyng the reſtitution of Northumberland, (as the Scottiſh writers doe affirme) but in the ende after he had continued a long tyme with king Henry, and perceyued no comfort to recouer his lands, he got licene [...] with muche adoe to returne home: & ſo cõmyng backe into Englãd, paſſed through the realme with his nobles into Scotland, wher he applied his whole endeuour to vnderſtande the ſtate of the cõmon wealth of his ſubiectes, and ſpecially he took or|der in moſte diligente wyſe, to puniſhe cruelties done by theeues and robbers,King Williãs zeale of iuſtice which vndoubtedly was one of the moſt profitable acts that he could deuiſe to accompliſhe at that preſent, conſidering the ſtate of his realme, as it then ſtoode.