[1] When hee had finiſhed this houſe, being a goodly peece of worke, and right coſtly, as maye appeare at this day by the viewe thereof, he aſ|ſigned forth certaine reutes for the ſuſtentation of the Chanons, which he placed there of the or|der of Saint Auguſtine, not ſo largely as ſerued for the mayntenaunce of ſuperfluous cheare, but ſufficient yet for theyr neceſſarie fynding:Superfluous rentes of Ab|beyes, prouo|cations to in|ordinate luſts. by reaſon whereof, the Chanons of that Ab|baye lyued in thoſe dayes in moſte feruent de|uotion, hauing no prouocations at all to in|ordinate luſtes and ſenſuall pleaſures, but one|lye gyuen to diuine contemplation, wythoute reſpecte to auarice or inlarging the poſſeſſions [page 272] and re [...]endes of their houſe: he founded alſo the abbey of Couper of the Cyſticur order,

The abbey of Cowper foun|ded.

The death of king Malcolm

and en|dowed it with many faire landes and wealthye poſſeſſions. Finally being vexed with long infir|mitie, hee departed out of this lyfe at Iedburgh the .xij. yeare of his reigne.