[1] In thys meane tyme,The Murrayes deſtroyed. Somerleid the Thane of Argyle (who as ye haue hearde was fled ouer into Irelande) vpon truſt of the hatred into the whiche Malcolme was runne with the moſte parte of all his nobles and commons thoroughe this ſlaughter of his people, and namely of them of Murrey lande,Somerleyd re+turneth into Scotland. he thought to aſſay fortunes chaunce once againe, and ſo therevpon returned with certain Kernes and naked men into Scot|lande: but this laſt enterpryſe of his came to a more vnluckie ende than the firſt,Somerleid vanquiſhed at Renfrow. for being van|quiſhed in batayle at Renfrowe, he loſt the moſt parte of all his menne, and was taken priſoner hymſelfe, and after hanged on a gybet,Somerleid is hanged. by com|maundement of the king, accordyng to that hee had iuſtly merited.