[1] A rebellion moued by the Murrayes.It was not long after the pacifying of thys trouble, but that a newe rebellion was rayſed: for the Murray lande men by the prouocation of their Captaine named Gildo,Gildo captayn of the rebels. waſted with fyre and ſworde the countreys of Ros, Bowgewal, or Bougdale, Mar, Garcoch, Buchquhane, and the Mernes, in more cruell ſorte, than any fo|rayne and moſte barbarous Nation wold haue done,The cruelte of the rebelles. in ſo muche that when the kyng ſente dy|uers of his ſeruauntes vnto them to vnderſtand the cauſe of their rebellious doings, they ſlewe thoſe meſſengers, contrarye to the lawe of Nations.