[1] Malcolme then, for that he durſte not breake the fraunches of that place,Angus beſie|ged in Why|terne. ſette a bande of men of warre round about it, to watch that he ſhuld by no meanes eſcape away, ſo that at lengthe a|wearyed as it had bene with long ſiege,Angus yel|deth him ſelfe to the kyng. hee yel|ded himſelfe to the king, who takyng his ſonne to pledge for his good a bearing in tyme to come, licen [...]ed hym to go whyther it ſhuld pleaſe hym: but the moſt part of his lands and liuings were confiſcate to the kings vſe.