[1] Angus diſcõ|fited by Gil|criſt.Hervpon he aſſembled together a great com|panie: but before he coulde worke anye notable feate, to make anye accounte of. Gylcriſte Earle of Angus, (whoſe faithfull valiancie was before many feſtly approued in the ſuppreſſion of Somerleyds rebellion) diſcomfited his po|wer, in three ſundrye bickerings, chaſed Angus hymſelfe vnto Whyterne,Whyterne, a place of ſanc|tuarie. where is a place of Sanctuarie priuiledged for the ſafegarde of all offendours that flee therto for ſuccour in the ho|nour of ſainct Ninian.