[1] King Henry hauing perfect vnderſtanding of this grudge betwixt the Scottiſh Lordes and their king, thought to renewithe ſame with more diſpleaſure,King Mal|colme goeth to Yorke. and therevpon ſent for king Mal|colme to come vnto Yorke to a parliamẽt which he held there, where at his comming, he was bur|dened by a right greeuous complaynt [...] fed againſt him by king Henry, for that he ſhoulde reuele vnto the Frenchmen, all the ſecretes of the Engliſhe army, when hee was with him in Fraunce, at the aboue remembred iourney, al|legyng the ſame to be ſufficient mater, for thẽ which he ought to forfeyt all the landes whiche he helde of the crowne of England, as Cumber|land, Northumberland, and Huntington.