[1] Hereof did one Somerleid the Thane of Ar|gile take occaſion to attempt an higher enter|priſe,Somerleid Thane of Ar|gile, goeth a|boute to make himſelfe king. than ſtoode with the baſeneſſe of his lynage and eſtate: for conſidering that the one halfe of the realme was conſumed by mortalitie, and the other halfe neare hande famiſſhed through lacke of foode, hee thought it an eaſie mater for him, now whileſt the king was vnder yeares of ripe diſcretion, to vſurpe the gouernance of the realme into his owne handes, and ſo aſſembling togi|ther an huge companie of ſuch as in hope of pray lightly conſented to his opinion, hee came fore|ward to make as it were a full conqueſt,Somerleides crueltie. ſteaing and ſpoyling all ſuch in his way as went aboute to reſiſt him.