[1] Howe farre this prince king Dauid excelled in noble vertues and ſober conuerſation of lyfe, I haue thought it better to paſſe ouer with ſilence, than to go about in few wordes to comprehende that, wherein if I ſhoulde ſpende muche time, I were not able yet in any wiſe worthily to per|forme: for where in ſuche caſes fewe things are ſlenderly ſhewed, the reſidue may ſeeme to be o|mitted through fault of the writer: but yet this is not to be forgotten that where his ſinguler pi|tifull regard whiche he had towardes the reliefe of the poore,His ſinguler pitie towardes the poore. paſſed all other his notable vertues, he purged his court alſo in ſuche wiſe of all vici|ous rule & miſordered cuſtomes,King Dauids court. yt his whole fa|mily was giuen onely to the exerciſe of vertue, no riotous banqueting nor ſurfeting cheare was vſed amongſt them, no laſciuious worde heard come foorth of any mans mouth, nor yet any wanton ſignes ſhewed to prouoke ſenſuall luſte or carnall concupiſcence.