[1] King Dauid alſo tooke this othe,King Stephan. and there|fore when king Stephan (who vſurped the crowne of England after king Henries deceaſſe againſt the ſaide Empreſſe) ſent vnto king Da|uid to come and to do his homage for the Erle|domes of Northumberlande,Homage is required. Cumberlande and Huntington (according as by his tenure he was bounde to do) with intimation that if he refuſed, king Stephan woulde inuade him with open warre: King Dauid anſweared, that he had gi|uen his faith once aforehand for thoſe landes vn|to the Empreſſe Maulde, which he minded not to breake for the threatening wordes of any new inuaſours.