[1] Neuertheleſſe, ſuche purſute was made after them, that many of them were apprehended, and vpon their examination, beeing brought before the king, they declared plainly howe they were encouraged to worke that treaſon whiche they had gone aboute, by ſundrie great Barons and gentlemen of the countrey. Finally, the matter was ſo handled with them, that they diſcloſed the names of thoſe that had thus procured them to the treaſon. Wherevpon the king gathering an army,The water of Spay. he marched forth to purſue them, but be|fore he came vnto the water of Spay, the con|ſpirators had gotten togither their power, & were lodged on the further ſide of the ſame water to ſtop him from paſſing ouer.